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Although this episode do not directly deal with religion, there are still some aspects found within.

Quinn, who had previously agreed to giver her baby away, doubts her decision while babysitting for Mr. Schuester's sister-in-law's three misbehaved sons. Quinns figures that she already has a big enough bump and people are questioning her. She invites Puck to come babysit with her, they end up being tied back to back in chairs by the kids and Quinn notices Puck texting "Mike", but does not think anymore of it. Once they free themselves, they sing "Papa Don't Preach" and the kids love it, eventually calming down and falling to sleep. Quinn is amazed by the fact her and Puck are so good with children that she plans to tell him that he is the actual father, not Finn.


(Season 1, Episode 11)


However, the next day, Santana tells Quinn that her and Puck were "sexting" the whole time they were babystting. This infuriated Quinn, she confronts Puck about it be can't be bothered by trying to keep his "bad boy" image. Quinn finally decides that she will afterall give the baby away because he or she deserves a good father.


The song "Papa Don't Preach" is about a young pregnant girl who doesn't think her father will be please to find out that she is pregnant and is keeping the baby. This relates to Quinn who is a avid Christian church goer where pregnancy and even sex before marriage is frowned upon. Quinn goes back and forth between decisions, before finally deciding that she is no longer a baby herself and can make her own decisions, even though it will upset others.

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